
Dr Peggy Marshall

Navigating Change

As you think about how you have been approaching change in your life, consider these four steps
Dr Peggy Marshall

Head or Heart Part 2

My last coaching blog focused on Debbie Ford’s book “The Right Questions-Ten Essential Questions to Guide You to an Extraordinary Life”. Many writers have focused on behaviors that result in people becoming extraordinary, charged, and/or engaged-with the end result being a more fulfilling....
Dr Peggy Marshall

Head or Heart Part 1

The first question we need to ask ourselves when making a difficult decision is “will this choice propel me toward an inspiring future or
Dr Peggy Marshall

An Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: it must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all. ~William Faulkner
Dr Peggy Marshall

Mental Spring Cleaning

Last month we officially moved into Spring. When I think of Spring-I think of Spring Cleaning. It’s a time to get rid of cobwebs, dust bunnies and the accumulations from winter.
Dr Peggy Marshall

The Formula for Success

It’s January-the time of year that many of us make resolutions-changes that we are absolutely committed to in 2011. Or maybe you decided that you didn’t want to make a resolution this year because you always lose momentum early and feel that you have failed. I am going to be discussing a strategy to help you rethink what success means to you. The strategy is to monitor our movement through the stages of change-not just the end goal. Just moving through the stages of change into action is a great success. Also, I am using the word goals rather than resolutions because we can come close to reaching goals with resolutions we are entering an either-or space. Thinking about the changes we want to make in terms of goals recognizes that we take actions towards targets rather than being firmly resolved to either do something or not do something.
Dr Peggy Marshall

Working on the Right Thing

Last month we began a series on Overcoming Blocks to Success and the focus was on misalignments. When you asked yourself the questions about misalignments, did you find anything that you need to work on? I know that I personally have to work on my own denial especially in areas when I tell myself that something isn’t impacting me when it definitely is.
Dr Peggy Marshall

Spring into Cleaning

During the month of March we move into Spring. When I think of Spring-I think of Spring Cleaning. It’s a time to get rid of cobwebs, dust bunnies and the accumulations from winter. However for the blog this month we are going to focus on a different type of Spring Cleaning and that is letting go of behaviors or issues that are in our way to being our best self. In the coaching world, these behaviors or issues are referred to as tolerations.
Momentum For Change

Momentum for Change

This month we are focusing on working on the right things. It is possible that the goals we set at the beginning of the year were not the right ones for us. This can be the very reason lost momentum towards our goals. How do we know what areas of our own self-development we need to work on?